Cooking for Type 1 Diabetes

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Now that our grandson has been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes I am faced with the challenge of learning to cook for him. Cooking for Type 1 Diabetes poses a unique problem. I prefer not to create separate healthy diabetic meals for him and something traditional for the rest of us.

I set out to find easy diabetic-friendly recipes that actually taste good for ALL of us to enjoy. I mean I need to only make ONE meal for everybody and know that I am feeding my grandson Type 1 Diabetes safe food.

I also need complete nutrition information on each recipe to make the carb counting easier.

That is a huge challenge since most diabetic recipes I have come across taste like cardboard.

If the food tastes so bad how can I expect a picky five-year-old to eat it with no fuss?

That is the other thing, with our diabetic being a young child we wanted to get through family meals without any meltdowns or tantrums.

For a while, I spent many hours on the internet researching and in the kitchen trying different recipes only to find out they were no better. I always love a challenge when it came to cooking because I enjoyed it so much but this was becoming very difficult until I came across this lifesaver.

I Came Across This Fabulous Cookbook That Really Has It All

Living with Diabetes is not easy, when it comes to eating it seems there are more restrictions than healthy, safe choices.

So, when I came across this fabulous cookbook you can imagine my excitement. Finally, a cookbook that caters to Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational Diabetes that makes tasty, flavorful recipes the whole family can enjoy.Cooking for Type 1 Diabetes


  • Over 297 pages of lip-smacking, diabetic-friendly recipes
  • Guaranteed ways to quickly and easily start cooking scrumptious recipes starting today
  • Fun and simple dishes that will take your cooking from just okay to out-of-this-world
  • Little-known secrets to effortless delectable meals that the whole family will love
  • Easy ways to transform your favorite pre-diabetic dishes without losing any of the taste
  • Quick exchanges and conversions already are done for you
  • Surefire Ways to begin eating tasty meals that will eliminate all your fears about “getting it right”
  • How to avoid disgusting cardboard “diabetic food” once and for all
  • The essential staple ingredients you need that will allow you to create award-winning dishes on a moment’s notice… even if you haven’t been to the grocery store in days!

It Is Possible To Make Flavorful Diabetic Recipes

The Ultimate Diabetic Cookbook is filled from start to finish with the recipes you need to make your taste buds and tummy happy again!

Inside this cookbook, you’ll find recipes for everything from savory soups and stews, fresh salad, and veggie combos that will make even a picky five-year-old ask for more.

There are meat, chicken, and fish recipes in which the flavor rivals that of some of our favorite restaurants(at a fraction of the cost). Tasty snacks for when you’re on the go. There is so much more than I can even begin to describe here.

No More Cardboard Tasting Food For Diabetics

My mother was a Type 2 Diabetic and I recall her doctors seemed to be telling her more of what she can’t eat than what she can. This was so frustrating for her and the rest of the family who wanted to cook for her.

There was absolutely nothing I could find at the time (in the ’90s) to help me cook for a diabetic. Of course, the internet wasn’t quite as full of information as it is now.

The few recipes or cookbooks I did find tended to make cardboard tasting food. Gross.

I knew with Alex there was no way he would eat anything he didn’t like. The challenge was real, he is a picky five-year-old who won’t eat anything that doesn’t taste really good.

Thankfully I came across “THE ULTIMATE DIABETIC COOKBOOK“.

The recipes are so good we can ALL enjoy them.


You Don’t Have To Know A Thing About Cooking


Even if you don’t have much experience in the kitchen you can discover the secrets to cooking like a pro right now.

That means you do NOT have to be a good cook, have a deep knowledge of ingredients, or any special skills…

In fact, even if you rarely cook today, The Ultimate Diabetic Cookbook will change everything.

That’s because this cookbook is so simple to use that anybody can make any of the recipes it contains, quickly and easily.


What Makes This Cookbook So Good

The Ultimate Diabetic Cookbook is filled with life-changing recipes.

When you get your hands on a copy, you can expect to experience food in an entirely new way!

Immediately you’ll see that this is unlike any other cookbook.

But, more importantly, you’ll also see how easy (and fun) it can be to cook again…

It’s a type of relief that only people cooking for diabetics, like you, will truly understand!

I have not come across any other cookbook in the world that matches the benefits of The Ultimate Diabetic Cookbook.


I must say I am so thankful to have come across “THE ULTIMATE DIABETIC COOKBOOK“. It has made preparing family meals so much easier. We are ALL benefiting from eating healthier which is a bonus. I highly recommend getting your own copy and begin enjoying great tasting food again. Having a Type 1 Diabetic grandchild has encouraged me to live my healthiest life possible which is a good thing. I have even lost a few pounds which is tremendous in my opinion.

Living with Type 1 or any Diabetes is challenging but not impossible. Little tweaks help make it easier and finding a true gem like this cookbook will even get you eating like a king/queen, delicious and nutritious gourmet food at every single meal or snack.

Order your copy of “The Ultimate Diabetic Cookbook” here.

As always we welcome any comments or feedback and sincerely hope “THE ULTIMATE DIABETIC COOKBOOK“ helps make your life “Cooking for Type 1 Diabetes” somewhat easier as it has for me.

Thanks for stopping by, leave your comments or questions below. I will respond.



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2 thoughts on “Cooking for Type 1 Diabetes”

  1. Great article, it certainly gives me a good impression of whether I’d buy the book or not, and this is attributable to how believable and trustworthy your article and page is. Keep up the good work!

    • Thank you Sharon for the comment.
      I only recommend products that I have used and find they make my life better in some way by using them.
      It is my goal to help others as they learn to find a new normal within the world of Diabetes.
      I find I use the books I mention on my site regularly whether cooking for my grandson or not, the recipes are tasty and healthy. Exactly what I look for when looking for a recipe.
      Thanks again.


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