Independent T1D Management – When Is It Time?

Independent T1D Management - When Is It Time?

Independent T1D management, when is it time? Wow! That is certainly a loaded question. I mean there are so many variables involved in deciding when your child is ready to take over their type 1 diabetes management. At what age was your child diagnosed? Our grandson was only 4-years-old at the time of his diagnosis … Read more

What Is Childhood Diabetes?

What is childhood diabetes- diabetes testing supplies

I know, I know. Yes, this is another article about type 1 diabetes. That is because this is such an important topic and there are still so many people who don’t understand what is childhood diabetes as it used to be called. I very clearly remember the day our grandson, Alex, was diagnosed with type … Read more

What Is The Difference Between A Vegan And Vegetarian Diet?


This is the second article in response to a reader’s question about a diabetic’s diet, you can check out the first article entitles “What is a no-carb diet plan?” at your leisure. Today we will learn what is the difference between a vegan and vegetarian diet and whether this would be a safe alternative for … Read more

What Is Type 1 Diabetes treatment?

diabetic supplies

In this article, we will learn what is type 1 diabetes treatment. Why? Because until our grandson was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, I wasn’t aware that there were different types of diabetes let alone the fact that there are different treatments for each. I figured that if I wasn’t aware of this, in spite … Read more

Type 1 Diabetes And Heart Disease

healthy heart

February was Heart awareness month in the United States and having a diabetic grandson made it necessary to understand the connection between type 1 diabetes and heart disease. Diabetes Canada says that having diabetes increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. In fact, diabetics may develop heart disease 15 years earlier than nondiabetics. Data from … Read more

What’s New In Diabetes Treatment?

What's New In Diabetes Treatment?

Have you noticed how things are always changing in this fast-paced world we live in so I like to keep informed on what’s new in diabetes treatment? It has been about a year and a half since our grandson was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. We have learned so much in that time, some things … Read more

What Is A Diabetes Management Plan

What Is A Diabetes Management Plan - blood glucose testing supplies

What is a diabetes management plan? Why do we need one? How do we manage our child’s diabetes when at school? Do type 1 and type 2 have different treatment plans? How do we treat highs? How do we treat lows? These are just a few of the questions that may arise when someone is … Read more

Does Insulin Cause Weight Gain

Does Insulin Cause Weight Gain

Does insulin cause weight gain is a question our daughter was obsessing over when her four-year-old son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes back in June of 2019? Our daughter takes great pride in feeding her family healthy snacks and meals and everyone maintains a healthy weight. Learning that her son required several daily insulin … Read more

What is National Diabetes Awareness Month

Diabetes Awareness Month

Now that November is upon us it is the perfect time to discuss just what is national diabetes awareness month. Well, it is a time when all across the country communities come together to bring awareness to diabetes and take action to tackle this modern diabetes epidemic. Yes, I said epidemic because quite frankly that … Read more